The newest compressor belts will power your vehicle’s A/C system and do more. They have become a necessity for multiple operations which means that if the car A/C belt is not working you’ll need to find out why; otherwise your air conditioning might not function either.
The Pulley Has Become Faulty
The pulley is responsible for helping the belt move. If it becomes faulty due to corrosion or age, the belt will stop moving which will result in its malfunction. The pulley might also shift due to an automobile collision.
The Compressor Belt Snaps
There are a number of things that can cause a compressor belt to snap, with the most common being age. They might also break if struck by a hard object. There are also cases where the belt doesn’t break but comes off the track instead. Both issues will cause the A/C to stop working and they will either have to be fixed or replaced completely.
The Belt Starts to Slacken
Though serpentine belts are designed to be durable, they may begin to slacken as time passes. They are made from rubber which is subject to wear though a brand new one should last well over ten thousand miles.
The Compressor Seizes
If the A/C compressor seizes, this might lead to the belt breaking completely. If the refrigerant levels are too low, or internal A/C parts have become corroded, the compressor can stop at any time. This is why it is so important to get your air conditioning inspected at least once a year.
Common Signs That You Have a Compressor Belt Issue
Because automobile A/C systems are so complex, it can be difficult to identify the exact source of a problem when it arises. However, the following are indications that you are most likely dealing with a belt related issue:
The Air Conditioning Makes Screeching or Squealing Noises
The serpentine belt is designed to form a connection between the engine and compressor. However, if the belt breaks, it won’t be able to power your compressor, causing the A/C to fail. This usually coincides with unusual noises whenever the air conditioning is turned on.
The Alternator Doesn’t Generate Enough Electricity
If you notice that the engine light is glowing, the first thing you’ll want to do is check out your serpentine belt. The reason is that the alternator is connected to it and may not be generating adequate electricity. A faulty belt can also cause the engine to overheat and because the compressor belts in some vehicles also power their water pump, this pump might be incapable of transferring coolant inside the engine.
How Can A/C Belt Issues be prevented?
Catching the problem before it causes your vehicle’s air conditioning to stop working is highly recommended. The simplest way to do this is by getting the A/C inspected at least once every 12 months. Don’t assume that the mechanic will check it during a routine inspection; many will not. Most importantly, do not procrastinate if your A/C suddenly stops working, because if the problem is not promptly addressed it can spread to other parts of the vehicle, causing catastrophic damage which can be costly to repair.