What Does A Water Leak Mean For Your Auto A/C?

Pavement leak puddle car air conditioning detail

The auto A/C system has become a key automobile component, as it is responsible for managing air temperature within the interior. However, drivers will sometimes encounter a situation where the air conditioning unit is leaking water, which compromises its performance.

Your Condensate Drain May Not be Properly Connected with The Ventilation

If the condensate drain isn’t correctly connected with the ventilation, the leakage will often occur inside the vehicle, and this is because the drain is designed to transfer liquid outside through the bottom. To fix it, you’ll first need to find the car’s condensate drain, which is usually situated beneath the evaporator. The majority of evaporators can be found within the vehicle’s passenger compartment near the ventilation. Connect your condensate drain and then verify that it functions outside the vehicle.

The Air Filters Are Obstructed or Dirty

As time passes, air filters tend to accumulate debris because of moisture and dust. It is for this reason vehicle owners should have their A/C systems annually inspected and cleaned. Once a blockage occurs, the evaporator coils may become frozen, which leads to excess water flow through the vehicle’s condensate drain.

The Condensate Draining Pipe is Blocked

Drivers that notice leakage inside their vehicle whenever they turn on the A/C probably have an issue with condensate draining pipe blockage. Normally, the drainpipe is supposed to transfer water outside the vehicle, but if it’s blocked the liquid will flow backward into the cabin area. The obvious solution is to unblock your condensate drain, and this is a straightforward procedure if you understand the vehicle’s engine and components. You’ll first need to identify your drain hose, which is normally situated near the engine’s rear in the passenger’s area. After finding it, you’ll next need to bend or squeeze the hose so internal debris is released, and then place the screwdriver inside to clear it, but take care not to damage your ventilation.

Your Refrigerant Level is Too Low

This is one of the most common A/C problems that drivers encounter. Automobiles must retain a specific refrigerant amount so they can adequately circulate air. If the refrigerant levels drop too much, this decreases air conditioning system pressure which will make evaporator coils freeze up, which in turn can lead to its drain pan overflowing and then leaking. To resolve this issue, you’ll want to watch for signs that the air conditioning has low refrigerant levels, and the most prominent is when the A/C suddenly starts blowing out warm air rather than cool. A refrigerant recharge can be done at home if you have the tools and skills or you can take it to a professional.

Your Condensate Draining Pan is Broken

Condensate draining pans are subject to breakage or rust because of wear and aging. Their malfunction is quite serious because if left unresolved it can lead to accidents, and water will begin leaking from the A/C system. In most cases, the only way to fix this problem is by replacing the damaged condensate draining pan. Make sure the replacement is compatible with your vehicle’s make a model and a technician can help you install it.

Why Choose R & Y A/C Compressors?

For more than 30 years, we’ve been providing quality parts and services to clients in the air conditioning parts industry. Among our specialties are air conditioners and heating systems for a variety of vehicles. We are located conveniently in North Miami Beach, Florida. Since we have several warehouses, we can quickly process and ship orders throughout the United States and around the world. Contact us today!