Need To Switch From R12 To R134a?

Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Pressure Gauges set isolate

The majority of automobiles manufactured before 1995 used R12 refrigerant within their air conditioning systems. Drivers that notice their vehicle’s A/C is no longer cooling adequately will need to perform a refrigerant recharge, but this may require a switch from R12 to R134a since R12 can be expensive and difficult to procure.

Discharge Existing R12 Refrigerant

The entire R12 refrigerant which is currently in the system must be discharged. However, it must be done by a licensed professional, since releasing the R12 directly within the environment is hazardous and illegal in most jurisdictions.

Access The Engine Compartment And Install The Lower Side R134a Retrofit

Open your vehicle’s engine compartment and locate the low and high R12 side service ports for the A/C. Once you’ve found it, position the lower side R134a retrofit fitting on top of the older fitting then apply the wrench to make it tight. The fitting should be torqued to twenty foot pounds.

Put The Higher Side R134a Retrofit in Place

This step is similar to the previous one, except you’ll be positioning the higher side R134a Retrofit instead of the low side. Just as before, place it on top of the older fitting then tighten it with a screw, and be sure to torque your fitting for twenty foot pounds. It is also a good idea to install the retrofit label confirming that the vehicle has been modified for use with R134a within the engine compartment.

Make Sure The Manifold Gauge Valves Are Closed

It is important to ensure that the valves for the manifold gauge have been closed. You’ll also need to connect your blue hose to a lower side port while your red hose should go to a higher side port. Your yellow hose should be connected to the vacuum pump. Now start up your vacuum pump then open the low and high valves for your manifold gauges. Give the pump a minimum of sixty minutes to run, then close the 3 manifold gauge valves then switch off your vacuum pump.

Connect Your R134a Lubricant

Next, you’ll want to connect your R134a lubricant can to your yellow hose. Open up the lower side valve then allow the system vacuum to draw in the oil. Reference the manual that came with your vehicle to ascertain the exact requirements for how much oil should be added to the A/C unit, but you can skip this phase should the refrigerant you’re adding already contain the oil.

Determine How Much R12 Refrigerant Was Needed

Although you’re replacing the R12, knowing how much R12 was needed for the vehicle to operate efficiently in the past is important since it will help with your R134a calculations. Generally speaking, you’ll want to add ten percent fewer R134a, but underfilling your system can cause compressor damage or seal leakage so be careful.

Attach Your T-Valve

The T-valve will need to be screwed onto the R134a can. Next, start up your engine, and turn on the A/C at the highest setting. Place a thermometer within the central vent to determine temperature while the refrigerant is added.

Connect the T-Valve to Your Lower Sided Service Port

Finally, attach your T-valve to your lower-sided service port, then open your valve and give the system time to draw out the refrigerant from the can; the can should become colder while this happens.

Why Choose R & Y A/C Compressors?

Our company has been providing quality parts and services to clients in the automotive air conditioning parts industry for more than 30 years. Among our specialties are air conditioners and heaters for a wide range of vehicles. Contact us today!