Do You Need To Replace The Whole Auto A/C Unit If There

Do You Need To Replace The Whole Auto A/C Unit If There’s A Damaged Evaporator Coil?

In the event that an evaporator coil becomes damaged, many drivers think that they can simply replace it. While this is certainly possible, it isn’t as simple as it sounds. The reason for this is because the replacement might mismatch the condenser, which is the external unit. If this happens, you could experience problems such as reduced efficiency, more frequent malfunctions, greater energy usage and reduced comfort. In a nutshell, the A/C won’t work as well and will wear out faster.

The Role Of The Evaporator

The evaporator and its coil are designed to absorb moisture and heat. Without it, cooling down your car is simply not possible. The coils are full of refrigerant which is extremely cold. As warm air from the vehicle’s interior moves over them, the refrigerant will absorb moisture and heat. At this point the refrigerant will traverse via lines which ultimately end up outside the vehicle, where it is dispersed into the surrounding air.

When Does The Evaporator Coil Require Replacement?

The number one reason evaporator coils fail is because of erosion. As time passes, refrigerant moving through the coils will wear out the internal lining, which causes the coils to become weaker. Some coil cleaners might also corrode the external lining when applied. As the coils weaken, the more susceptible they become to refrigerant leaks. Once leakage starts, the most affordable option is the total replacement of the coil, and possibly the entire unit itself.

It is essential to know when to just replace the coil and when to replace the whole unit. Most automobile A/C systems use two coils, which are the internal and external. Although both coils are situated inside the A/C and are separated they must still function together so cooling can occur. If you only replace a single coil, serious problems could occur with the unit.

When To Replace Everything

It is best to replace the whole air conditioning unit every eight years. The reason for this is because the majority of car A/C systems will run for a maximum of ten to twelve years, and you want to replace it before breakdown occurs. If you only replace the evaporator coil in an A/C that is more than eight years old, it is the equivalent of placing a new engine in a car that is dying, and it is essentially meaningless.

Additionally, should you just replace a coil, the replacement would have to work in conjunction with an aging coil that won’t work as efficiently, which will place additional stress on the new coil, resulting in it breaking down faster than normal. If you do decide to replace a coil, it is crucial to make sure the new one is a match for your A/C unit.

Each A/C uses the SEER rating, which ranges between thirteen and twenty-one, which determines the overall effectiveness of the system. Air conditioning that has a higher SEER rating will operate at a higher efficiency.