How Much Oil Does An A/C Compressor Need?
clear picture of the possible causes and preventive measures to take. If you don’t want to find yourself in a fix one day because your A/C system failed, you should service the compressor of your A/C and ensure that the right amount of oil is added.
The compressor plays a vital role in the A/C system. In order for it to function efficiently, your compressor requires proper maintenance. A certain amount of lubricant needs to be added inside to allow the compressor and other system components to operate smoothly. You have to be very careful about the amount of oil you add in the compressor. If you add too much oil, the compressor’s cooling capacity will decrease. There are different cases of compressors that need an oil refill. Let’s take a look at different cases and how much oil needs to applied in each case.
Adding Oil In An Old Compressor
When it comes to adding oil in an old compressor, you first have to drain out any old oil before you fill it up with new oil. To make sure that you put in the right amount of oil, remember to measure the amount of old oil you drain out so that you know how much needs to be replaced.
Adding Oil In A New Compressor
If you just had a new compressor installed, keep in mind that many new compressors are pre-filled with oil. This means that you have to be careful about the amount of oil you add to avoid having excessive oil in your new compressor. For a new compressor, mix a 4oz. can with two 12 oz. cans of refrigerant R-134a.
When You Replace Any Part Of Your A/C System
When you replace any component in your air condition system, you should consider the following criteria for oil replacement.
- Add 2 oz. of oil when you replace the oil in an accumulator
- Add 1 oz. of oil when you replace the oil in the condenser
- Add 2 oz. of oil when you replace the oil in the evaporator
- Add 1 oz. of oil when you replace the oil in the filter drier
More Useful Maintenance Tips
While maintaining your compressor, you should adopt the following practices to avoid premature failure of your compressor as well:
- A/C System Flushing
When a compressor experiences noises that means there could be small residuals inside the compressor that is mixed with the oil and moves throughout the air conditioning system. The contaminated oil needs to be flushed out immediately. Do not assume just because you have flushed the oil, the residuals are also gone. Have a professional do the flushing to ensure your system gets rid of any contaminants.
- Use Suitable Lubricant
Be careful about the type of oil you use in your compressor. Using the wrong oil can lead to compressor failure and possibly damage to other A/C components.
- Drive Carefully On Bumpy Roads
If you often drive on a rough terrain, you need to be careful to avoid bumps. Bumpy roads have a direct impact on how long a compressor will last.