What Does High Pressure In The A/C Tell You?
When there is high pressure in a car’s A/C, most drivers even mechanics assume that the problem is caused by a malfunction in the evaporator or accumulator. However, this is not always the case. High pressure readings are mostly caused by the refrigerant or Freon not cooling adequately. When the refrigerant is not cooling as it should, that automatically causes the pressure to rise in the A/C system. Other reasons that can cause high pressure in the A/C system include:
Issues With The Condenser
The condenser is usually responsible for receiving high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant from the compressor. The compressor is designed to dispel the cool and heat in the Freon or refrigerant. If there is presence of dirt or debris in the condenser, this may hinder it from functioning effectively. The condenser should be thoroughly cleaned every now and then to ensure it stays clean at all times. Also, a driver needs to do a physical examination to ensure that no debris is obstructing the air flow from the condenser.
Loose Air Dams or Fan Shrouds
High pressure in the A/C can also be as a result of loose air dams or fan shrouds. Shrouds and dams should always be tightly fastened if they are to work effectively. Make sure that the components are positioned right before fastening them. You should also check that the fans are running at the desired speed. If they run with less speed, this can cause the A/C to experience high pressure. You can easily replace faulty fans in order to cool the A/C system effectively. Shrouds and fans are directly responsible to the cooling process of the refrigerant and that is why it vital to ensure they work as they should. If the fans are the problem and you replace them, the cooling process should return to normal in no time.
Engine Cooling Problems
Does your engine have overheating issues? This could also cause your car’s A/C system to experience high pressures. When the engine’s radiator is too hot, the pressure in the A/C also increases significantly. The heat experienced from the radiator gets transferred to the condenser and in turn, the condenser causes pressure to rise due to the heated refrigerant. If you are not sure if the engine is the cause of the high pressure, you should inspect the area between the condenser and radiator to check if it has been clogged with debris.
These are just few cases that can cause a car’s A/C system to experience high pressure. If you are not conversant with the mechanics of a car or specifically how the A/C system operates, it is best to call in a trained mechanic to check why your A/C is experiencing high pressure. A mechanic will know exactly where to look and also take care of the problem once he or she finds it. Also, ensure that your entire cooling system is thoroughly cleaned out to avoid comebacks.
Always work with an experienced technician who will not only ensure that your A/C operates efficiently, but one that will provide durable solutions to your car’s A/C problems.