Does Your Car Require Auto A/C Repair Or Maintenance?
Research from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has shown that summer temperatures have increased steadily over the last decade. Given this fact, it is important to know when your car’s air conditioning needs to be maintained, and when it requires auto A/C repair.
When an A/C system dies, it will appear to do so suddenly, with no warning. However, air conditioning units give multiple warning signs of their coming demise; it’s just that too many drivers choose to ignore them. Others attempt to perform repairs themselves in order to save a buck, which almost always makes the problem worse. Air conditioning units are complex systems that require the care of a licensed technician, so if you notice any of the following issues, it is best to contact one as soon as possible.
You Notice The A/C Makes Noises When Operating
A properly functioning air conditioning unit is one that is quiet when operating. In the event that it begins making noises, this is a sign that something is wrong and an inspection should be performed. Air conditioning depends on its compressor kit, which is a device that provides pressure within the system that guarantees correct refrigerant flow. Within the compressor is the pulley bearing, which if worn will lead to the sound of grinding and squealing, and should be replaced. The compressor also has the clutch, which like the bearing is subject to considerable wear over time. A worn clutch will usually produce a rattling sound.
You Detect Leaking Inside The Car’s Cabin Near the A/C
Air conditioning is built to drain away water from the car’s bottom. Occasionally the drains which are responsible for doing this become clogged. When this occurs fluid will back up inside the vehicle, getting on the floor which is a major headache. This is a serious problem that must be professionally addressed immediately.
The Cooling Ability Of The A/C Degrades Over Time
This is the most common indicator that something is wrong with your air conditioning. If you notice that the air being emitted is not as cool as it was in the past, or the air flow is weaker, there are many potential culprits. It could be a buildup of mildew and mold within the evaporator, which blocks air from getting to the events. Or, a hose might have become loose. Another problem is a malfunctioning ventilation fan, which can also lead to insufficient air flow, and many drivers also report their A/C systems pushing out warm rather than cool air.
You Detect An Unpleasant Smell Emanating From The Vents
There are various factors which can lead to the A/C pumping foul smelling air inside the cabin. Some of these include a cabin filter that has become worn or dirty or mold which has built up in the evaporator case. One or both might need to be replaced.