Designed to all work together, car A/C components make driving in the summer’s heat more tolerable. Houses, businesses, and more all rely on their air conditioning systems for comfort and convenience. Here, however, we are going to concentrate on the A/C in your automobile.
You may not think it’s important to know about the working components in an air-conditioning system. That’s why you hire a professional to care for it and service it. But a little extra knowledge never hurt anybody.
How Your Automobile’s A/C Works
- The compressor clutch rotates when your A/C is turned on, making the compressor turn.
- From the evaporator, the compressor takes refrigerant and, with high pressure, channels it to the condenser.
- The high-pressure refrigerant is changed by the condenser which passes through a filter dryer. Dirt and water will be filtered from the refrigerant.
- To the expansion valve, the refrigerant then flows and the evaporator atomizes it.
- The produced cold air will be sucked in and then, courtesy of the ventilation blower, gets pushed into the cabin.
Expansion Valve
Changing refrigerant from liquid to a gas is the function of the expansion valve. The amount of refrigerant that flows is also regulated by this valve.
Ventilation Blower
Into the cabin of your automobile, refrigerant-cooled air is blown courtesy of this part. Under the dashboard of your automobile is the location of most ventilation blowers.
When refrigerant passes through the expansion valve, the evaporator absorbs heat. If you don’t feel like you’re getting truly cold air from your automobile’s A/C system, a leak may be present in the evaporator.
High Pressure Service Connection
The high pressure service connection is a tool that, if/when the pressure is too high, functions as an automobile air conditioner safety device.
Filter Dryer
Located inside the receiver dryer, the water, dust, and dirt carried by the refrigerant are filtered courtesy of this part. For refrigerant in its liquid form, it also serves as a temporary shelter.
Pressure Switch
On your automobile’s air conditioning system, this functions as a safety device. When the air conditioner is turned on, the working process adjusts the refrigerant’s gas pressure performance.
Condenser Fan
So the condenser section heat absorption process can occur, air is blown through the condenser courtesy of the condenser fan. The wind blown by the fan helps cool the condenser section.
After passing through the compressor, high-pressure refrigerant is cooled courtesy of a component known as a condenser. A condensation process occurs when the refrigerant is in the condenser.
Compressor Clutch
Connecting the engine speed and compressor, the compressor clutch is a pulley. Because a V-belt connects it directly to the crankshaft, it continuously rotates. So the compressor can work, the pulley’s rotation is forwarded to the compressor shaft.
To all parts of your automobiles A/C system, refrigerant is distributed by this pump. Your automobile’s crankshaft drives the compressor. There are rotary types and reciprocating types of compressors.
We Have the Car A/C Components You Need
When you need car A/C components, where do you turn? A family owned and operated business, R&Y A/C Compressors has been providing customers with quality and service for 30 years.
To reach our customer service department, between 8:30 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday, please call 305-919-8864. On Saturdays, we are available from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. You may also choose to send us an email at [email protected].
If you’d rather, you can fill out our convenient online form, send it in, and we’ll respond. We look forward to working with you.