The Hyundai Santa Fe is a popular SUV that comes with a variety of features, including air conditioning. While most drivers haven’t had any issues, there are some who encounter Hyundai Santa Fe A/C problems and below are some solutions to dealing with them.
The Blower Motor Has Gone Bad
When the blower motor goes bad, you’ll often notice a lack of airflow through the A/C vents. It might also produce strange sounds while the vehicle is operating. Unlike other air conditioning components, it is not possible to repair a faulty blower motor, and it has to be replaced, and you’ll also want to check to see if you’ve got a fuse that has become blown.
The Air Filter is Dirty
Air filters, which are also known as micro or pollen filters, play a key role in the operation of your Santa Fe’s A/C system. Once the filter becomes dirty, the interior ventilation will degrade which culminates in lower cooling and airflow. It will also place strain on your air conditioning system which will increase fuel consumption. Most experts recommend changing your air filter every ten to twenty thousand miles, but those that operate their vehicles in areas with heavy smog should switch them sooner. It is also possible to clean the filter yourself.
The Blend Door Actuator Has Malfunctioned
The blend door actuator is responsible for managing temperature and airflow within the Hyundai. If you notice that the temperatures aren’t dropping as low as they should be, you might have an issue with it. A common sign which indicates a problem with the blend door actuator is clicking sounds that can be heard from under your dashboard. The sound is particularly noticeable when adjusting the A/C temperature or turning on the unit. Some drivers have also reported a knocking sound.
The Condenser Has Become Clogged
The Hyundai Santa Fe’s A/C condenser can be found in the front and is tasked with the release of refrigerant heat. However, as time passes it might become clogged with grime, bugs, and dirt which will accumulate along the surface and within its mesh gaps. This will inhibit its capacity to release the heat since less air will traverse the mesh, which culminates in lackluster interior cooling. To solve this problem, all you have to do is clean the condenser, but it requires the removal of the vehicle’s front bumper to access it so you’ll probably want to hire a professional, plus you must be careful since if you use power washing at higher pressure settings you might damage the condenser’s delicate fins.
The Compressors Has Failed
The compressor is comprised of movable parts which transform gaseous coolant so that it becomes liquid, and is the primary method for cooling down the vehicle. However, a faulty compressor will prevent this from happening and has numerous causes. For instance, A/C systems which are not turned on for long periods of time may have parts that become stuck, which will damage the compressor. This is why experts recommend turning on your A/C periodically even during winter.